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Flintshire and Wrexham
Project summary
Groundwork Wrexham & Flintshire as the lead organisation for Mentro Allan in North East Wales has been awarded a grant of £250,000 from the Big Lottery Fund. CCW has also provided funding of £20,000 for activities within the project. The grant will be used to provide opportunities for people with learning and physical disabilities and their carers to engage in outdoor activities in the natural environment. A Project Coordinator and part–time Project Administration Assistant will be employed to work with beneficiaries from the target groups and the steering group to ensure that the project is successfully delivered and evaluated.
Project activities
Outdoor activities taking place in the natural environment which are suitable for people with a range of physical and learning disabilities and their carers.
The initial activities identified from the consultation included walking, cycling and gardening however these may change over the lifetime of the project in line with the needs and aspirations of the target beneficiaries.